Study With Us - Postgraduate Studies

Choose from MA in Catholic Applied Theology or Ecclesiastical Licence in Catechetics

Postgraduate Programmes of Study

Licence in Divinity: Pathway in Catechetical Sciences

Validated by La Faculté Nôtre-Dame, Paris.

The Licence in Catechetics is a qualification of the Holy See, distinct from an STL, and is an award that has been offered by Maryvale Institute since 2012. It is intended for those in leadership positions in catechetics and in other positions of responsibility.

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Master of Arts Degree in Catholic Studies

To be validated by St Mary's University, Twickenham.

This programme will lead to the award of Master of Arts, validated by St Mary's University, Twickenham. It will be suitable for professional workers in pastoral ministries, those involved in the fields of religious education, catechesis and leadership in schools, and, indeed, anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of various aspects of Catholic Theology, Ethics and Spirituality.

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