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Access Room

Maryvale Institute recognises that every man and woman of every place, race and creed is ‘created in God’s image and called to know and love him’ (CCC 31), and that the equality of every person depends on this great, intrinsic dignity which rests above all on the fact that each person is called to communion with God (c.f.GS19).

The Institute is committed to a policy of equal access for all its students living with disability or a health condition and will make provision wherever possible for students to be able to follow its courses.

Under the Equality Act (2010), a disability is defined as: ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.

“I have a disability and am considering applying to study with Maryvale. What kind of support will be available to me?”

You are very welcome to contact the Accessibility Coordinator in advance of your application to study, using the contact form below, to discuss your access requirements and perhaps arrange a visit to Maryvale before starting your course.

Once you have disclosed a disability (e.g. by completing an Accessibility Form), the Accessibility Coordinator Melissa Pearce will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the ways in which we can support you during your studies at Maryvale. This may include: practical support; adjustments to exam arrangements; course materials provided in an accessible format; advice and access to specific resources. Some forms of support may require medical evidence of your disability or health condition.

All lecture rooms, dining room, Chapel, Bookshop and Library are wheelchair accessible. We have a fully fitted ensuite ground floor bedroom for students in wheelchairs, and another bedroom accessible via a lift. Our main lecture theatres are equipped with hearing-loop systems. Some computers in the Library are loaded with assistive technology that may be especially helpful to those with dyslexia or sight impairments. In addition we also have an Accessible Study Room in the Library that has an ergonomic chair and height-adjustable desk (suitable for wheelchair users) in addition to assistive technology software on the PC.

“I don’t consider myself to be disabled, but my health condition impacts on my study...”

You are encouraged to make contact with the Accessibility Coordinator even if you do not identify as disabled, as you are still entitled to support. We encourage you to disclose your condition at the earliest opportunity, to make sure you get the most out of your studies at Maryvale. Any information you disclose will be kept confidential, and shared only with your permission. However, if you refuse permission to share your information this will restrict the support we are able to provide.

In additional to various forms of practical support, a high level of pastoral support is provided to all Maryvale students, through the quality of one-to-one tutorials with academic staff, the spiritual context of structured times of prayer throughout residential weekends and the opportunity to receive pastoral and spiritual guidance from a resident priest chaplain.

Accessibility Form download: your completed document can be returned to Melissa by email or post.

To find out more about what accessibility support Maryvale Institute can offer you, please contact Melissa Pearce:

© Maryvale Institute 2023 - Maryvale Institute is part of the Birmingham Diocesan Trust, Reg'd Charity No. 234216